Join Us
Providing Horticultural Training for Adults with Learning Disabilities.

Blooming Gardners
Want to Become a Gardener?
Join Our Gardeners
Would you, or anyone you know, like to attend as a Gardener and join our other adults with Learning Disabilities? We provide horticultural training in a relaxed, friendly, supportive, warm environment. Together we will make a positive lasting improvement to the well-being of adults with learning disabilities.
Interested ? Let us know by contacting us through Email.

Blooming Gardners
Want to Volunteer?
We welcome volunteers to work alongside our gardeners under the guidance of the horticultural trainers. Our volunteers find this an enjoyable and rewarding experience while also picking up useful skills along the way.
Interested in becoming a volunteer? Let us know by contacting us through Email.

Blooming Gardners
Want to become a Board Member ?
Board Member
We are looking for more board members. If you have experience in areas such as, but not limited to, administration, project management, fund-raising, accounting, and IT then we would love to hear from you. Please note our board members are unpaid.